Marco de madera y compuesto vintage para tu hermos
Precio: 28 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
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Inicio > Casa, jardín y bricolaje > Materiales de bricolaje > Madera y compuestos
Marco de madera y compuesto vintage para tu hermos
Precio: 28 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Marco de fotos/imágenes compuesto de madera y rest
Precio: 30 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
8 figuras vintage, algunas de madera tallada, algu
Precio: 19 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Sujetalibros vintage Shabby Worn MCM ROJO ORIENTAL
Precio: 20 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites Har
Precio: 49 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Mecanizado de madera. Propiedades de los compuest
Einband mit geringen Lagerspuren, innen sehr guter und sauberer Zustand 3950131507.
Precio: 557 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Hombre Syroco Compuesto Madera Años 40 Con Sombrer
This vintage figurine from Syroco's collection features an adorable elderly man with a yellow hat and umbrella. The piece is made of composite wood and has a painted finish. Measuring 4.75 inches in length and 2 inches in width, i...
Precio: 258 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Belén de colección con pesebre de madera Navidad.
Marked made in Japan. The angel, which had a ribbon banner "Gloria" and hangs from above the manger roof, has a fracture line at the level that would be her knees. She also has 2 missing breaks of her wings.
Precio: 1 417 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Oso pardo compuesto madera antigua vintage con tin
Well detailed. the bear is made of a wood composite, like Syroco wood. he has glass eyes. the inkwell is glass and brass. very old with age related wear including stain wear on ears, around neck, feet, and toes.
Precio: 2 127 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Precio: 243 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Estatuilla compuesta de madera tallada vintage de
Vintage Madonna And Child Carved Wood Composite Statue Figurine. Condition is pre owned. Shipped USPS First Class Mail. • Measures 8.25” Tall x 2” Wide • Good pre owned condition, please see all photos
Precio: 344 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Antiguo R.W. Caballo mecedor alemán de madera y co
Antique R.W. German Wood and Composite Windup Rocking Horse WORKING In great antique condition. Please look at all photos closely. **All sales are final. Items are picked from estate/garage sales or resale shops & may show wear co...
Precio: 15 191 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Theory And Design Of Wood And Fiber Composite Mate
Benjamin A. Jayne, Editor. Theory And Design Of Wood And Fiber Composite Materials. Syracuse Wood Science Series, 3. Dust cover is in good condition. FIRST Edition.
Precio: 910 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
MECHANICS OF WOOD AND WOOD COMPOSITES By Jozsef Bodig & Benjamin A. Jayne - Hardcover *Excellent Condition*.
Precio: 2 461 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
De colección 1895 Letrero Marcador Caja Madera Ari
Vtg 1895 Sign Marker Wood Box Aristocrat Rubber/Wood stamps Original box. It appears to be complete with all letters and numbers. All appear to be in good condition. Some scratches on the original case. Nice set. Please see pictur...
Precio: 708 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Marco compuesto de madera de madera de hoja platea
The glass pane has a small crack at the top. The photo print seems to be in good condition.
Precio: 2 024 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
This car was made by Model Die Casting, Roundhouse, and it is now long out of production. Car number is 523. Car is in like new condition and has plastic Arch Bar trucks and Kadee knuckle couplers.
Precio: 263 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
De Colección Mary Joseph Cabeza Compuesta Bloque d
It is unclear if the dolls were manufactured in Scotland or distributed from there. Whether it is Scottish or Christmas, it enhances the festive season. Though this is a set of Mary and Joseph, the dolls are easily assimilated int...
Precio: 461 $
Estado del artículo: Usado
Antigua muñeca compuesta de madera con vestido de
The doll features a light red, wavy mohair hair and is dressed in a lovely golden wool dress. This antique doll is in fair condition and would make a great addition to any doll collection. She has both arms/hands and legs/feet.
Precio: 911 $
Estado del artículo: Usado